
This program, its instructions, and any advice or recommendataions contained within are provided in Good Faith and Without Warranty: If this program causes you to grow purple chest hair, or in other ways causes loss, damage or injury, whether to real things, people or computer data type of things, Square Eyes Software cannot be held responsible. I might run off to California to hide, but I won't admit to anything.

The above includes, and is particularly relevant to, those injuries like Repetitive Strain Injury which may be caused by typing. It is your responsibility to assume any risk for using this software, and your responsibility to seek independant advice about the best way to type. (Exercise common sense - if you feel something is wrong, stop immediately and seek professional advice)

The characters appearing in this software package are entirely ANSI. Any similarity with any character, whether living or ISO, is purely coincidental

Except for a little bug thing that got stuck under my L key, no animals were harmed during the production of this software package. Which is more than you can say for the stories in Texts2

Have fun, live well, and shine brightly. If all else fails; drink whisky